Hey Seattle, we’re starting with you!

Are you a purpose-driven business?

Are you a conscious consumer?



Every dollar we spend has an impact, good or bad.
VZBLTY helps you identify, select and interact with businesses making the world a better place.

Our Mission

Connecting conscious consumers with purpose driven businesses

Our Vision

Creating a better world through the power of our everyday spending

Learn More About Our Story And Our Why

Tell us about business doing the right things


Make a difference

Feel safe and empowered

Receive incentive offers

VZBLTY Partner Businesses

93% of the west coast millennials we surveyed are somewhat to very much more likely to
spend in a restaurant, bar or café that aligns with their social, economic or environmental
values – their identity.

Build loyal customer

Reduce cost of customer

Engage with potential

Informed spending is about to become easy and fun

“Sentiment without action is the ruin soul.”
-Edward Abbey


Millennial consumers are more likely to buy products from ethical companies


Americans stop buying from brands they believe are unethical


Millennials use the internet to find the best restaurants and deals


Millennials and GenZ consumers who will abandon a business they feel is trying to hide how they run their company


How do I get started?

Right now, we’re talking with purpose driven restaurants, bars and cafes in Seattle. Businesses that believe they can be profitable, progressive and sustainable

Where do I sign up as an individual app user-consumer?

Hold steady… VZBLTY is coming. Our go live date is set for February 2023.

What businesses can sign up?
If you’re a business owner who wants to engage with potential customers on a basis of transparency and shared values, fill out the contact form to schedule a meeting.
What do I need to do?

FOR CONSUMERS: Once we go live, individuals can build their profile by selecting from among 35 social, economic and environmental business behaviors. You rank 5-10 of these behaviors/tell us which behaviors matter most to you. This is how we connect you with businesses that share your vision of a better world.

FOR BUSINESS PARTNERS: Business build a profile from that same list, identifying behaviors they engage in. Businesses then create easily customized incentives that are sent to app users to bring them in.

How do my customers find me?

Once a user builds a personal profile, they can initiate a search anytime they choose.
They are presented with a list of businesses that most closely align to what they care
about. If the user allows direct communication from businesses, a message explaining how your business aligns to their values and offering an incentive discount is sent to the user. Verification of payment is built in to VZBLTY.